Valentine’s Day Tip
Have you heard the saying that what we focus on expands? I have found this so true on many occasions. Have you ever lost a hub cap and because you are focusing on how much it irritates you, everywhere you go you see the cars that are missing a hub cap?
What annoying habits or traits are you focusing on with your loved ones? Is this child bossy? Is that child annoying and so forth. What about your spouse? What do they do that is bugging you? When we focus on those things, that’s what we continue to find and see.
Here is a little Valentine’s Day Tip to show your family LOVE!
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3 Simple Tips for Seasonal Anxiety

With the holidays in full swing, many who are prone to Anxiety feel it’s full effects this time of year. Seasonal anxiety also known as (SAD) or seasonal affective disorder can be characterized by feelings of overwhelm, stress, depression and panic. Over 10 million Americans suffer every year from seasonal anxiety. Some of the contributing factors are colder temperatures, less sunlight, which can cause our body’s natural rhythms to fall out of sync., and additional stress from holiday shopping and family gatherings. {Read More}
Power of Thought
Our thoughts can have a powerful affect on our bodies. Both internal and external dialogue can disrupt our blood pressure, our heart, and even alter our biochemistry. These results were proven in a 1985, medical research conducted at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
The average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before. The National Science Foundation published an article regarding this research in 2005.